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ATI TEAS 7 Math Course

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  1. Introduction

    Free ATI TEAS 7 Math Diagnostic Test
    1 Quiz
  2. Numbers and Algebra
    Numbers and Algebra Pre-Section Quiz
    1 Quiz
  3. Perform Arithmetic Operations with Rational Numbers (Whole Numbers, Decimals, & Fractions)
    3h 49m|
    12 Lessons
    12 Quizzes
  4. Convert Among Non-Negative Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages
    1h 1m|
    4 Lessons
    4 Quizzes
  5. Compare and Order Rational Numbers
    2 Lessons
    2 Quizzes
  6. Solve Equations With One Variable
    2 Lessons
    2 Quizzes
  7. Solve Real-World Problems Involving Percentages
    1h 37m|
    5 Lessons
    5 Quizzes
  8. Apply Estimation Strategies and Rounding Rules to Real-World Problems
    2 Lessons
    2 Quizzes
  9. Solve Real-World Problems Involving Proportions + Solve Real-World Problems Involving Ratios, and Rates of Change
    2 Lessons
    2 Quizzes
  10. Solve Real-World Situations Using Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities
    1h 14m|
    4 Lessons
    4 Quizzes
  11. Numbers and Algebra Post-Section Quiz
    1 Quiz
  12. Measurement and Data
    Measurement and Data Pre-Section Quiz
    1 Quiz
  13. Interpret Relevant Information from Tables, Charts, and Graphs
    2 Lessons
    2 Quizzes
  14. Explain the Relationship Between Variables
    1 Quiz
  15. Evaluate the Information in Data Sets, Tables, Charts, and Graphs Using Statistics
    1h 41m|
    4 Lessons
    5 Quizzes
  16. Calculate Geometric Quantities
    3h 29m|
    7 Lessons
    7 Quizzes
  17. Convert Within and Between Standard and Metric Systems
    1h 52m|
    8 Lessons
    8 Quizzes
  18. Measurement and Data Post-Section Quiz
    1 Quiz
  19. Timed Practice Test Simulations
    ATI TEAS Math Practice Tests
    9h 30m|
    10 Quizzes
Topic Progress
0% Complete

Welcome to the lesson – Order of Operations! Play the video below to get started. Then, keep scrolling to start practicing. Brian will walk you through the solution to each problem in the video that follows it. Happy studying!

Learning Goals:

  • Solve Expressions with multiple steps using order of operations
  • Justify the use of order of operations

Why is this skill important to know?

Understanding the correct order to follow when calculating an expression or equation is the key to arriving at the correct answer. If you do not follow the correct order when calculating, you may arrive at an incorrect answer! 

Key Vocabulary:

  • Order of Operations – a set of rules to determine which order you should calculate pieces of an expression or equation
  • Expression – a collection of numbers and symbols that show a math problem without an equal sign
  • Equation – a collection of numbers that show a math problem using an equal sign
  • Exponents – stands for repeated multiplication and is shown in superscript next to the base number

Key Points:

1) Follow the Order of Operations

• PEMDAS – “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally”

• Parentheses
• Exponents
• Multiplication / Division (whichever comes first, left to right)
• Addition/ Subtraction (whichever comes first, left to right)

2) Without PEMDAS, there could be multiple answers to the same problem.
3) Make sure to track your work after each step.

Practice Problems

Try solving each problem below, check your answer, then play the video to see a step-by-step walkthrough of the solution.

Practice Problem #1

8 – 5 + 6 – 4

Practice Problem #2:

15 ÷ 5 × 6 ÷ 9

Practice Problem #3:

4 × 6 – 8 ÷ 4

Practice Problem #4:

(8 + 7) ÷ 3 – 1 × 4

Practice Problem #5:

7 + 62 – 5

Practice Problem #6:

(4 + 6)2 ÷ (5 × 4)

What’s Next?

Click the quiz link below to practice this skill with realistic questions aligned to the TEAS 7 exam.