Study Skills

Learn how to develop efficient and successful study strategies and plans while in Nursing School with Nurse Kelly, MSN, RN. All of the important parts of developing a successful study plan are covered in detail, including opportunities to try the strategies on your own.

Welcome to NurseHub’s Course about Study Skills. This course is designed to help you learn about key principles when developing study plans for yourself. You’ll determine your learning style, learn about different strategies, and consider the environment in which you are studying. You’ll begin to build your understanding of the best ways for you to study, which will help you excel while in Nursing School (and beyond)!

Check out this video from our Nursing School Content Development Manager and Course Leader, Kelly Shafaie, MSN, RN – she’ll walk you through what the course has to offer and where to find everything.

You can get started with the Introduction to Study Skills lesson below, which is free for everyone to try! If you want to learn more about Study Skills, sign up today!

Open Registration

Course Includes

  • Find out your learning style
  • Determine the best ways to study based on your learning style and preferences
  • Learn how your setting or environment impacts your success when studying
  • Downloadable Resources
  • Strategy overviews, walk-throughs, and opportunities for practicing it yourself