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HESI A2 Math Course

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  1. Introduction

    Free HESI A2 Math Diagnostic Test
    1 Quiz
  2. Topic Quizzes
    Preliminary Skills
    5 Lessons
    5 Quizzes
  3. Whole Numbers
    3 Lessons
    3 Quizzes
  4. Decimals
    3 Lessons
    3 Quizzes
  5. Fractions
    10 Lessons
    10 Quizzes
  6. Converting Between Fractions and Decimals
    3 Lessons
    3 Quizzes
  7. Ratios and Proportions
    3 Lessons
    3 Quizzes
  8. Percentages
    5 Lessons
    5 Quizzes
  9. Conversions
    10 Lessons
    10 Quizzes
  10. Elementary Algebra
    4 Lessons
    4 Quizzes
  11. Timed Practice Test Simulations
    HESI A2 Math Practice Tests
    5 Quizzes
Quiz 1 of 52

Free HESI A2 Math Diagnostic Test (50 Questions)

This HESI A2 Math Diagnostic Test contains 50 questions that mimic the content, format, and difficulty of the real exam. At the end of the test, you will receive a detailed score report that breaks down your performance by topic, so you will know exactly which HESI A2 Math topics you need to brush up on to quickly improve your score.

Did you know?

πŸš€ 94% of NurseHub learners report passing their HESI exam on their first try.
πŸš€ This number goes up to 99% when users complete the entirety of our materials.

Don’t worry if you don’t score as high as you would like. We cover EVERYTHING in the subsequent quizzes so you’ll have lots of opportunities to learn, practice, and improve! πŸ™Œ

You’ve got this! πŸ˜‰