Refund Policy

NurseHub’s Pass Guarantee

Our only goal is to help you pass your exam. In the unlikely case that our online courses do not help you achieve your school’s minimum required score for the ATI TEAS©, HESI A2©, or Wonderlic SLE©, we will refund you up to three months and pay for your exam retake. It’s as simple as that. Sign up, complete our online courses for the test you need to take, and we promise you a passing grade.

How does it work?

NurseHub’s online courses for the ATI TEAS©, HESI A2©, or Wonderlic SLE© come with a pass guarantee. If you successfully complete all the course steps for the exam you need to take, we promise you a grade that meets or exceeds your school’s benchmark score for the ATI TEAS©, HESI A2©, or Wonderlic SLE©.

To claim

Just send us an email with your full name and the email address used at purchase along with a photo of your score report with the minimum score required at your school.

What happens next?

We will check your account to make sure you’ve successfully completed all the course steps. Once that is confirmed, we will refund you for up to three months of NurseHub access and pay your test retake fee.